Friday, May 15, 2015 will be here sooner than I think...

Exams have been made, reviews have been done (and done.. and done), and it's time to wrap up another successful school year. I can't believe I have just completed my fifth full year teaching! What a journey it has been! You think you know it all in the beginning, but looking back over the past five years, I realize how much I have grown. Being an educator isn't about just teaching; it's about learning to adapt and adjust, roll with the punches, and enjoy the little "teachable moments". 

In just 41 days, I will be heading to the Atlanta airport to board my flight to Costa Rica. I am looking forward to the next month of rest and relaxation, but excited to embark on this journey. I will be taking Spanish Linguistics and an Advanced Composition Course at the University of Costa Rica. I am eager to learn who my host family will be, but have discovered a fun fact in preparation for my adventure that makes you remember just how small the world can really be. Hannah Sullivan, the other recipient of the NSE Scholarship to Costa Rica, sat right next to me at the AP Summer Institute at Walton High in Atlanta last summer, the very place where Ken Stewart, AP Spanish goo-roo and extraordinaire, expressed to us how important it was to take advantage of scholarship opportunities... oh, the irony.  As soon as our pictured were published, I immediately recognized Hannah and reached out to her via email. We are both excited to have someone we sort of know to make this trip more comfortable... 

Until next time...